The journey of the Lampedusa Cross
The spiritual dimension of each human being and his or her dignity are inscribed in the wood of the Cross. Its journey is a witness to the spirit of women, children and men on the run. Because nobody can forget.
Poor wooden boards: it is the tragic humility of a boat stranded on the coast of Lampedusa. Two boards 2 meters and 60 centimeters high, 25 kilos of pain. It is the Cross of Lampedusa, symbol of the odyssey of migrants: it has never stopped since April 9, 2014, when Pope Francis blessed it in the Vatican. From that day he travels from hand to hand, generates encounters and solidarity between peoples of various cultures and religions. Entrusted to a spontaneous relay that has accompanied her in over 2400 churches, shrines, places of worship in Europe and in the world. During the pandemic, the Cross was kept in the parish of the Trinitarian fathers in Algeciras, a religious community that runs a reception center for excluded people, most of them migrants. As soon as it was possible, the journey resumed and in October 2021 it arrived in Santiago de Compostela. It is planned to make the Cross travel to the border between Mexico and the United States and to other places in the world where we can reflect on the theme of the dignity of migrants.
At each stage, the Cross leaves - as a reminder of their passage - a small cross, also made with the wood of the sunken boats, to each local community. A seed of conscience , a testimony, a warning to consider that this has been and this is and that we cannot not know.
Ennio Morricone was inspired by the Croce di Lampedusa, who wrote and donated the composition "La voce dei sommersi" to the Foundation.
A cross from Lampedusa, always made with the wood of the barges, was requested by British Museum , which introduced it to its permanent exhibition collection.
To request the Croce di Lampedusa and welcome it in your diocese in Italy and abroad write to
The Holy Father, on the occasion of the audience on February 4, 2022 in which he welcomed the Casa dello Spirito e delle Arti Foundation, blessed 5 crosses that will go on pilgrimage to the 5 continents.
Just like in 2014, when he had blessed the first Cross of Lampedusa, the Pope blessed these crosses that will travel - with the help of priests, lay people and volunteers - on their pilgrimage through the lands of different continents, witnessing the daily tragedy of many migrants.
Through these crosses, inter-religious prayers can be organized, moments of recollection and sharing in schools and parishes, moments of reflection, including secular ones.
The first cross was given to Pope Francis by Arnoldo Mosca Mondadori and Father Giuseppe Bettoni.

The second cross was given to Maria Fernanda Silva, Ambassador of the Argentine Republic to the Holy See, so that she can begin her journey to South America.
The other three crosses will be delivered in the coming months to the representatives of the other continents, so that they can begin their journey in Africa, Oceania and Asia.
As for the first Cross of Lampedusa, in each stage traveled by each of the five crosses, a small cross will be donated to the parish, school or cultural center through which it will pass, which will remain in place, as a signal especially for the new generations, so that no one can fail to look at the tragedy of so many migrants who died in the Mediterranean Sea and in many places around the world.
Since 2013 in Piacenza we have carefully guarded a precious treasure: a small cross of Lampedusa, a gift from the Casa dello Spirito e delle Arti Foundation. I had requested it as a teacher of the technical institute, the ITC "Romagnosi", with the highest percentage of foreign students from northern Italy. When the cross arrived we welcomed it with a multi-religious prayer in the library. And there our little cross, blessed by the warmth of the hands of many young people, of a Catholic theologian, of an Orthodox priest, of a Protestant preacher and of an Imam, began its journey and never stopped: hundreds of young people since then have held it in their hands in silence. It has traveled a lot: in classes, families, scout groups. It has been the protagonist of a stage action in our theater workshop and a moment of prayer in Taizé. It returned to Lampedusa in Franco Tuccio's workshop, from whose hands and heart it was born. In short, the little cross launches its message of peace and hope every day and we, in silence, are open to listening.
Our little cross started a particular path a couple of years ago: we entrust it to painters, sculptors and musicians from Piacenza who, in a kind of human chain, simply keep it with them for a few days, listen to it and then translate their own emotions in an artistic work. There are already several artists who have joined this project that we have baptized "Fibers".
Everything could end with an exhibition.
“Fibers” is meant to be a small sign of sharing, a moment of awareness. It represents the refusal to get used to the pain of others because, whether we like it or not, we are all fibers of the same universe, children of the same light.

The idea was made possible thanks to the collaboration of the Minister of the Interior Luciana Lamorgese.

The journey of
the Lampedusa Cross
The spiritual dimension of each human being and his or her dignity are inscribed in the wood of the Cross. Its journey is a witness to the spirit of women, children and men on the run. Because nobody can forget.
Poor wooden boards: it is the tragic humility of a boat stranded on the coast of Lampedusa. Two boards 2 meters and 60 centimeters high, 25 kilos of pain. It is the Cross of Lampedusa, symbol of the odyssey of migrants: it has never stopped since April 9, 2014, when Pope Francis blessed it in the Vatican. From that day he travels from hand to hand, generates encounters and solidarity between peoples of various cultures and religions. Entrusted to a spontaneous relay that has accompanied her in over 2400 churches, shrines, places of worship in Europe and in the world. During the pandemic, the Cross was kept in the parish of the Trinitarian fathers in Algeciras, a religious community that runs a reception center for excluded people, most of them migrants. As soon as it was possible, the journey resumed and in October 2021 it arrived in Santiago de Compostela. It is planned to make the Cross travel to the border between Mexico and the United States and to other places in the world where we can reflect on the theme of the dignity of migrants.
At each stage, the Cross leaves - as a reminder of their passage - a small cross, also made with the wood of the sunken boats, to each local community. A seed of conscience , a testimony, a warning to consider that this has been and this is and that we cannot not know.
Ennio Morricone was inspired by the Croce di Lampedusa, who wrote and donated the composition "La voce dei sommersi" to the Foundation.
A cross from Lampedusa, always made with the wood of the barges, was requested by British Museum , which introduced it to its permanent exhibition collection.
To request the Croce di Lampedusa and welcome it in your diocese in Italy and abroad write to
The Holy Father, on the occasion of the audience on February 4, 2022 in which he welcomed the Casa dello Spirito e delle Arti Foundation, blessed 5 crosses that will go on pilgrimage to the 5 continents.
Just like in 2014, when he had blessed the first Cross of Lampedusa, the Pope blessed these crosses that will travel - with the help of priests, lay people and volunteers - on their pilgrimage through the lands of different continents, witnessing the daily tragedy of many migrants.
Through these crosses, inter-religious prayers can be organized, moments of recollection and sharing in schools and parishes, moments of reflection, including secular ones.
The first cross was given to Pope Francis by Arnoldo Mosca Mondadori and Father Giuseppe Bettoni.

The second cross was given to Maria Fernanda Silva, Ambassador of the Argentine Republic to the Holy See, so that she can begin her journey to South America.
The other three crosses will be delivered in the coming months to the representatives of the other continents, so that they can begin their journey in Africa, Oceania and Asia.
As for the first Cross of Lampedusa, in each stage traveled by each of the five crosses, a small cross will be donated to the parish, school or cultural center through which it will pass, which will remain in place, as a signal especially for the new generations, so that no one can fail to look at the tragedy of so many migrants who died in the Mediterranean Sea and in many places around the world.
Since 2013 in Piacenza we have carefully guarded a precious treasure: a small cross of Lampedusa, a gift from the Casa dello Spirito e delle Arti Foundation. I had requested it as a teacher of the technical institute, the ITC "Romagnosi", with the highest percentage of foreign students from northern Italy. When the cross arrived we welcomed it with a multi-religious prayer in the library. And there our little cross, blessed by the warmth of the hands of many young people, of a Catholic theologian, of an Orthodox priest, of a Protestant preacher and of an Imam, began its journey and never stopped: hundreds of young people since then have held it in their hands in silence. It has traveled a lot: in classes, families, scout groups. It has been the protagonist of a stage action in our theater workshop and a moment of prayer in Taizé. It returned to Lampedusa in Franco Tuccio's workshop, from whose hands and heart it was born. In short, the little cross launches its message of peace and hope every day and we, in silence, are open to listening.
Our little cross started a particular path a couple of years ago: we entrust it to painters, sculptors and musicians from Piacenza who, in a kind of human chain, simply keep it with them for a few days, listen to it and then translate their own emotions in an artistic work. There are already several artists who have joined this project that we have baptized "Fibers".
Everything could end with an exhibition.
“Fibers” is meant to be a small sign of sharing, a moment of awareness. It represents the refusal to get used to the pain of others because, whether we like it or not, we are all fibers of the same universe, children of the same light.

The "Metamorfosi" project (link) was born in the laboratory of Lutherie and Carpentry of the Opera prison (link). One of the actions of this project is the realization, by the people detained, of crosses - taken from the wood of the boats brought to the prison - which will be donated to Italian schools. In this way, the project of the Journey of the Lampedusa Cross will be able to multiply: any school can request one or more Lampedusa crosses as a gift, by writing to:
The idea was made possible thanks to the collaboration of the Minister of the Interior Luciana Lamorgese.

Per sostenere il progetto "Il Viaggio della Croce di Lampedusa" puoi donare tramite bonifico bancario, utilizzando i seguenti dati:
IBAN: IT81E0306234210000002137179
Banca Mediolanum S.p.A.
Beneficiario: Fondazione Casa dello Spirito e delle Arti, Alzaia Naviglio Grande 44, Milano
Causale: "Il laboratorio di Liuteria e di Falegnameria"
Puoi effettuare una donazione tramite PayPal cliccando sul seguente pulsante