The Soup Kitchen
The Bread that nourishes the body
Misery is still prevailing in Mozambique, where many people live on less than 2 euros a day, eating only one meal of rice or Manioc flour. A project dedicated to the poorest people in the neighborhood was conceived together with the host production laboratory project. Father Antonio Perretta has created in collaboration with the Casa dello Spirito e delle Arti Foundation a soup kitchen in Mozambique that also provides for the distribution of a monthly expense for each family unit to guarantee daily food.
The desire is that God's Mercy touches not only the former inmates that Father Perretta takes care of in the Casa da Misericordia through the host production laboratory with the support of the Foundation, but also the families of the area, that is extremely poor. In 2019, 70 needy families were helped. The Foundation continues to support the project. Since 2020, 200 families have been helped by this project. Many poor people are knocking on the doors of the Casa da Misericordia, in order to be registered on the list of beneficiaries of the food aid program.

As far as the food aid is concerned, it should be emphasized that the "boomerang effects" of the world crisis and of the choices linked to the declared "Phase 3" of the emergency arranged by the Mozambican President (including the invitation to reduce the mobility of people and the closure of some "non-essential" activities) is already causing the loss of work and the economic crisis of families who live on the basis of financial management linked to the "day by day". It has become essential to start distributing food aid to families with many children, to people without work, to people with chronic diseases and to street people.

The Soup Kitchen
Annick Cornet Confalonieri
The Bread that nourishes the body
Misery is still prevailing in Mozambique, where many people live on less than 2 euros a day, eating only one meal of rice or Manioc flour. A project dedicated to the poorest people in the neighborhood was conceived together with the host production laboratory project. Father Antonio Perretta has created in collaboration with the Casa dello Spirito e delle Arti Foundation a soup kitchen in Mozambique that also provides for the distribution of a monthly expense for each family unit to guarantee daily food.
The desire is that God's Mercy touches not only the former inmates that Father Perretta takes care of in the Casa da Misericordia through the host production laboratory with the support of the Foundation, but also the families of the area, that is extremely poor. In 2019, 70 needy families were helped. The Foundation continues to support the project. Since 2020, 200 families have been helped by this project. Many poor people are knocking on the doors of the Casa da Misericordia, in order to be registered on the list of beneficiaries of the food aid program.

As far as the food aid is concerned, it should be emphasized that the "boomerang effects" of the world crisis and of the choices linked to the declared "Phase 3" of the emergency arranged by the Mozambican President (including the invitation to reduce the mobility of people and the closure of some "non-essential" activities) is already causing the loss of work and the economic crisis of families who live on the basis of financial management linked to the "day by day". It has become essential to start distributing food aid to families with many children, to people without work, to people with chronic diseases and to street people.

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Thanks to your support we will be able to keep standing by the side of many poor people in Mozambique.